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AZ Premier Flag Football

NFL Flag Official League


NFL Flag / AZ Premier Rules as of 9/17/24:

  • 5 v 5 (full teams of 7-10 players).
  • Each half will begin with a kickoff.
  • Teams will kickoff from the 10 for 8U and 10U, from the 5 for 12U, and from the goal line for 14U.
  • Two 30 second timeouts per team per half. There is no carryover between halves. 
  • Forward passes, including a shovel pass, MUST be beyond the LOS.
  • Pitches, laterals, and BACKWARD passes are permitted but must be done behind the LOS. 
  • The quarterback has a seven-second pass clock to get rid of the ball. 7 Seconds and then whistle.
  • The quarterback can’t run with the ball unless it was handed off first.
  • Offensive players must steer clear of the rusher and may not get in his/her way.
  • Up to two rushers must identify themselves by raising their hand pre-snap, any player identified as the blitzer MUST blitz immediately
  • NO delayed rushing permitted and once identified as the rusher, he/she may not drop back into coverage.
  • Rusher has a straight line to the QB. If that line changes at any point during the play, impedance will not be called.
  • If that straight line is obstructed via a receiver causing the rusher to veer or change direction, an impedance penalty will occur. 
  • Rushing is NOT permitted in the 6U division.
  • If the ball is handed off, any defender may rush. However, on a toss/pitch play, defenders may cross LOS as soon as the ball leaves the QB's hands. 
  • Interceptions are returnable (even on extra point attempts).
  • The ball is dead when it hits the ground, the offensive player’s flag is pulled from their belt, the ball-carrier steps out of bounds, or the ball-carrier’s body—outside of their hands or feet—touches the ground.
  • All offensive flag football penalties result in a loss of down and yardage.
  • All defensive flag football penalties result in an automatic first down and some are associated with yardage.
  • NFL FLAG football is a non-contact sport. There’s no tackling, diving (to gain field position), blocking, screening, holding, or fumbles.
  • Diving for a flag is permitted, however if contact is made to the body, a penalty for unnecessary roughness will occur. 
  • Small jumps for juking and regular athletic moves are permitted! Offensive player may not jump into a defender, jump to avoid a flag pull, or dive anywhere at any time for any reason.
  • Forward progress is marked by the most forward position of the ball.
  • The 6U division does not recognize the 'No Run Zone' during normal gameplay, however, must pass if they choose to go for a single extra point following a touchdown. A run or pass is permitted when going for two from the 10-yard line. 
  • For all possessions after a punt or that don't begin with a kickoff, the offense will start on their own 5 yard line and have 4 downs to cross mid-field to convert a 1st down, then 3 downs to convert a touchdown. 4th down is optional and if failed the opposing team starts their possession from the 4th down dead ball spot. Alternatively, the offense can "punt" to make the opposing team start their drive from their own 5 yard line.
  • The last two minutes of the second half will be pro clock, if the game score is less than 8 point difference.  Clock will stop on all change of possessions, incomplete passes, scores, sacks, penalties and plays which go out of bounds.  If score goes above 8 points - pro clock will be turned off. 
  • Celebrations following a touchdown are permitted, however taunting toward the other team, sideline, or officials will not be tolerated and will result in an unsportsmanlike conduct. Keep it fun and in good taste!

For a complete list of flag football rules, view the NFL FLAG Football Rules.


Arizona Premier Flag Football

Mesa, Arizona  

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